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Oil painting has been a pleasure for me. It has been a good way to travel and I would like to share this artwork with you. 

Artistic expression, I believe is an ethereal and cosmic journey often in search of a meaning beyond what is taken as life by creating an experience outside 

the realm of the physical and the mundane.


In a dream the realities we will dare appear and disappear in an instant. 


It is between the appearance and disappearance of consciousness that the artist will form it's image to be solidified, and with it the whole world as avid replacements and other distractions would otherwise mask the interpretation with their many demands.


In other words, a snapshot of a dream. Such a dream state is the basis of the surrealist style of painting.

As an artist I have found inspiration in visions from the most brilliant sunrise to a folded cloth in a dark corner. I gravitated to surrealism as I am inspired by the early surreal painters. 

May the Surreal Movement endure for the captions in our lives are often a split second event, never to end.


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The art and paintings of the Surrealist Movement  in the 20th Century, for many art lovers made a deeply subliminal impression onto them as images and ideas never seen before and never to be seen again were translated in a dream state to an image soluble by two dimensions, a piece of art. Modern Surrealism, I believe, does not have the same effect of influencing as it is not as  emotionally sound as that of Classical Surrealism, which has a more authentic dream state resonance. These are the opinions I have discussed within and this artwork being created is intended to reflect the common yet evasive experience, the dream.


If life is just a dream then, possibly,  the dream captured on canvas contains the image of life. Energy pure and constant, the dream is the most likely sought experience.


It can be called a psychic amplifier as the image defines the love of the undefined.


Simply put, this artwork is an attempt in recording an image of the dream or subconscious state to intensify the vibration of the physical space it inhabits, including the brainwaves of the one that views the image.


The psychic amplification of one human being. For this I am grateful.


the Art


the Artist

I began painting after a period of drawing images (such as animals and portraits) in my earliest explorations. As I focused my energies on perfecting a skill I also found a love for the many art and music scenes I encountered while the inspiration I absorbed flowed through me and as many painters flow with inspiration I worked through the late hours even neglecting the more common joys because painting dream state images, once skilled, was what I found most appealing along with discovering an ability to visually transfer the pure energy of the subliminal consciousness to others through the vortex of the human eye using imagery.


I believe the image of the subconscious, while absorbed awake, can activate the Soul and it's presence and through it, the vibration of a dream. This gift I will hold dear as I strive to express the best examples in subconscious thought and share my years of experience. The energy of the dream is life and it must be shared.


Thank you

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